



energy analsis

Oculus Studio works with your team to provide interactive and timely design feedback on the selection of building envelope components as well as mechanical/electrical systems. Regardless of the green/sustainability matrix (LEED, Living Building Challenge) we believe an energy master plan is critical to unlocking maximum value for the life cycle of every or existing.

We have a proven track record in working with design professionals and their clients to maximize energy savings while also respecting budget and project constraints. To date our clients have saved over 3,172 MWh/yr with our recommended energy efficiency measures (EEM’s). With Oculus Studio initiative and due diligence our clients have obtained over $249,757 in utility incentives. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Oculus-in-house energy modeling provides choices (via the performance path) to comply with design constraints of tough new energy codes & regulations;

  • Our ability to forecast utility expense to ensure owner/client financial budget takes appropriate operational cost into consideration

We offer complimentary energy benchmarking for a new or existing building/facility! Please click here to learn more.

solar analsis & design

Oculus Studio has over eighteen years of design expertise in solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. We continue to demonstrate excellence in the design of high performing solar PV systems as well as right sizing for best energy offset and optimum financial payback.

To date our clients have saved over 3,527 MWh/yr with our expertly designed solar PV systems. This translates to over 4,207,657 lbs/yr in avoided CO2 emissions.

building design

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